Hi I'm Ravi Chandra! My name means sun and moon. It was given to me when I joined Sat Manav Yoga Ashram. The Ashram is a small community of practitioners whose lives are dedicated to catalyzing world transformation through the teachings of Yoga. True Yoga is not merely exercises or philosophy, it is the means for us to find our purpose and true nature as human beings. As a Yogi my life is dedicated to becoming a beneficial point of light in the universe.
I first came to the Ashram in October of 2021. What was scheduled as a one week retreat became my new life. For years leading up to finding the Ashram I had been looking for the answers to the big questions of life... what it's all about, why we're here, why all this suffering and tragedy in the world and what can I do about it? I read books, went to Yoga classes, visited temples, but nothing quite satisfied me. But when I arrived at the Ashram and heard the teachings of my Guru, all my questions were answered. I found my home, my family, and my purpose.
My tattoo career began in 2015 in my hometown of Dayton Ohio. Tattooing has always provided me with wonderful experiences and the blessing of being able to earn money by doing what I love. And unexpectedly tattooing also led me to my spiritual path. I first heard of the Ashram from my fellow Yogi tattooist Bhagavan Das 'Shug'. I was amazed at how he brought the spiritual power from his years of practice into his tattooing.
Yoga is a process of complete transformation. As Yogis we move from a limited, self-isolated identity to an expansive and altruistic connection with the universe. Along the way there are many changes, but tattooing is one thing that has remained for me. But now my view and motivation for it are different. Tattooing is a way for me to share the joy and energy that comes from my spiritual practice. I strive to work with my clients to create meaningful and empowering work that supports their own processes of transformation. And all the income from my tattooing now supports the Ashram to keep our mission going!
Thank you for reading! For more information on the Ashram visit our website or reach out to me with any questions. I'm happy to share and support you in any way!